We Are Policescam


Have you ever been a victim of cyber crime? Have your relatives or family ever been a victim of cybercrime or scam site? Have you ever been suspicious of certain sites or social media? Contact us at Whatsapp (+6282165134627) or email : [email protected] . We will be happy to help you.


POLICESCAM is a work unit under Bareskrim Polri and is tasked with enforcing the law against cyber crimes. In general, Dittipidsiber handles two groups of crimes, namely computer crime and computer-related crime. Computer crime is a cybercrime group that uses computers as the main tool. The forms of crime are hacking, illegal interception, website defacement, system interference, data manipulation. Computer-related crime is a cyber crime that uses a computer as a tool, such as online pornography, online gamble, online defamation, online extortion, and online fraud (scammers), hate speech, online threats, illegal access, data theft.

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